Roasted Coconut

( KS107 )

Toasted from coconut cream

Ingredients Coconut cream
Spice Level 0
Weight 180g
Dietry Suitability Suitable for Vegetarian/Vegan/Gluten Free

Add a tropical touch to your dishes with this blend of toasted coconut cream, also known as kerisik – Toasted shredded coconut that has been roasted, ground and pounded into a paste-like consistency. This process releases the natural oils in the coconut for a rich, creamy and slightly oily texture.

Kerisik promises to infuse your dishes with an irresistible depth of flavour. We consider this to be the ‘crème de la crème’ of Malay cuisine and one of the most important ingredients in a good rendang. Not that not all Malay dishes require kerisik.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Malay cooking use a lot of oil?

Oil plays a key role in Malay cooking for several reasons:

  • Flavour enhancement – Oil extracts and enhances the flavours of the spices, herbs and aromatics used in Malay cooking, helping to distribute them throughout the dish.
  • Texture and mouthfeel – Oil contributes to the richness and mouthfeel of dishes, especially in curries, rendang and stir fries by adding a silky texture to the sauce or gravy.
  • Preservation – Oil has historically been used as a preservative in tropical climates like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, creating a barrier against bacteria and spoilage during cooking.
  • Cultural practice – Traditional Malay cooking often involves techniques like ‘pecah minyak’, which involves frying or cooking spices and aromatics until the oil separates. This intensifies flavours, and so is essential in many Malay dishes.
  • Balancing Spice – The use of oil can help to balance the heat from spices and chili peppers, moderating the overall intensity of the food while retaining flavour.
  • Cooking Methods – Malay cuisine involves cooking methods like frying, stir frying and deep frying, and oil is an integral part in all three processes. Different dishes require different amounts and types of oil depending on the method. That said, some modifications and adaptions are possible to reduce the amount of oil used without compromising the overall flavour and essence of traditional Malay dishes.

What does ‘pecah minyak’ mean?

Pecah minyak is a technique commonly used in Southeast Asia’s cooking. It translates to ‘breaking the oil’ in English.

This process involves cooking or frying a mixture of spices, herbs and aromatics in oil until the oil separates or ‘breaks’ from the solid ingredients. This indicates that the flavours and spices have been fully extracted from the solid ingredients and distributed throughout the dish.

To achieve pecah minyak when making a paste or spice blend:

  • Heat your oil – Start by heating your choice of oil (Traditionally coconut or vegetable oil in Southeast Asian cooking) in a pan over a medium heat.
  • Add aromatics – Add your choice of ingredients for your paste or spice blend, such as chopped onions, garlic, ginger, lemongrass and ground spices.
  • Fry – Continuously stir the mixture as it is cooking, allowing the ingredients to release moisture and flavour.
  • Oil separation – As the mixture continues to cook, you’ll notice that the oil begins to separate or ‘break’ from the solids. This indicates that the spices and aromatics are fully cooked, and that the flavours have infused into the oil.
  • Proceed with the recipe – This is your sign to continue with the rest of the recipe, such as adding coconut milk, meat or vegetables.

How can I make the perfect boiled rice?

  • Rinse the rice (optional) – Rinse your choice of rise in a fine-mesh strainer under cold water, until the water runs clear. This serves to remove excess starch and stops the rice from becoming too sticky. This step isn’t necessary for some types of rice like jasmine due to them having a lower starch content, unless you prefer a lighter and fluffier texture.
  • Measure the water – The ratio of water to rice varies depending on the type of rice you use. The most common ratio for jasmine rice is 1:1.5, while basmati rice is 1:2, but this can vary by type of rice.
  • Combine rice and water – Place your rice and measured water into a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Bring to the boil – Bring the rice and water to a rolling boil over a high heat, before reducing to low to simmer.
  • Simmer covered – Cover the pot with the lid and continue to simmer on a low heat for the recommended time according to the type of rice. Avoid opening the lid during this step to prevent rice from escaping.
  • Let it rest – Once the cooking time is up, turn off the heat but keep the lid on and leave the rice to sit undisturbed for 5-10 minutes. This allows the rice to finish steaming and absorb any remaining moisture.
  • Fluff – When the rice has finished resting, use a fork to gently fluff the rice and separate the grains. This helps to aerate the rice and prevent it to becoming sticky.

Different types of rice may require slightly different cooking methods, so it is always best to refer to specific package instructions or recommended cooking times for the best results. The ratio of rice to water used can also affect the outcome. Practice and adjustments may be necessary to find the method that best suits your tastes.

Follow these tips for the perfect accompaniment to our range of authentic Malay recipes.



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Cooking Tips

Here are a few quick tips to make your cooking experience smoother and more enjoyable:



  • Read the recipe first – Don’t ‘wing it’; take a moment to read the entire recipe from start to finish, noting any preparation work or special techniques that might be required.
  • Prep in advance – Chop, measure and organise ingredients before you start cooking. This is called mise en place, and it serves to make the cooking process much smoother.
  • Keep your knives sharp – Sharp knives don’t just make for easier and more precise cutting, they’re easier to use. Hone and sharpen your knives regularly.
  • Add your seasoning gradually – Season your dishes little by little and taste them as you go. You can always add extra seasoning, but you can’t take it away!
  • Use fresh herbs and spices – Fresh herbs and freshly-ground flavours impart better flavours when compared to prepackaged alternatives.
  • Don’t overcrowd the pan – Filling your pan when sautéing or frying tends to lead to excess moisture, resulting in ingredients being slowly steamed instead of browned. Don’t be afraid to cook in batches if necessary.
  • Master heat control – Get to grips with the heat levels and settings on your stove.
  • Rest your meat – Let freshly-cooked meats rest for a few minutes before cutting. This helps retain juices, keeping the meat tender.
  • Taste before serving – This gives you a chance to adjust seasoning or add flavours if necessary.
  • Clean as you go – Wash your dishes, utensils and countertop as you cook to keep your workspace organised and reduce cleaning time at the end.
  • Have fun! – Cooking is an art form, and all artists need to experiment to find what suits them the most. Keep yourself open to trying new recipes and flavours and let your creativity guide you.
  • Stay positive - Don’t get disheartened by mishaps. Instead embrace them as the learning experiences they are and try to take something away from them.








Authentic Recipes

Malay cuisine has loads of easier recipes and some harder dishes that will put you through your cooking paces (Although the end result is more than worth it). Why not try these tips out for yourself with one of our authentic recipes?







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